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We provide a range of resources for ISEB Common Entrance 13+ exams, including textbooks, revision guides, exam practice questions and Boost eBooks.
What resources are available?
13+ Revision Guides
Exam Practice Questions and Answers
13+ Study Skills
Consolidate knowledge and revisit content covered as part of the specification which could be tested at 13+ Common Entrance.
- Clear explanations, summaries and topic-based exercises
- Prepare for the exam with tips and revision guidance
- Test Yourself questions to identify knowledge gaps

Which exam are you sitting?
The ISEB 13+ Common Entrance Exam
The 13+ Common Entrance exam is used by independent senior schools as part of the process for assessing candidates for entry into their schools. Pupils will sit the 13+ exam in either the Spring or, more commonly, the Summer term during Year 8. Papers are also produced in the Autumn term, although these are generally used for practice or mock exams.
Common Entrance 13+ assessments contain three compulsory papers: English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, it is hoped that candidates will attempt papers in a wide range of subjects chosen from French, Geography, German, Classical Greek, History, Latin, TPR and Spanish.
ISEB Endorsed
Our 13+ Common Entrance textbook and revision resources are endorsed by ISEB, meaning they have been approved by a member of the ISEB Editorial Endorsement Committee.

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