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PUMA for Scotland

Standardised termly mathematics assessments for learners aged 4–11, tailored to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence. Available in print and digital format with free reporting and test data analysis.
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PUMA (Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment) for Scotland is a termly reading assessment for ages 411, standardised on over 10,000 learners to reliably benchmark performance and track progress against standardisation averages. 

PUMA for Scotland features colourful papers and diverse characters to engage young learners and conceptualise maths problems, carefully written to ensure a steady progression in demand. Confidently assess all Scottish Curriculum for Excellence curriculum organisers and generate thorough and consistent diagnostic profiles for your learners.

Why choose PUMA for Scotland?

  • Reliable assessment outcomes

  • Time-saving and easy to administer

  • Free reporting and data analysis

  • Linked to maths interventions

PUMA for Scotland assessments have followed a rigorous standardisation process to ensure they provide valid and reliable data outcomes to measure attainment and track progress.

  • Standardised on over 10,000 pupils in 2019/20/21. Sample schools were carefully selected to be nationally (UK) representative.
  • Automatically generated Standardised Scores allow you to compare performance against standardisation averages.
  • Age-standardised Scores show how a learner is performing against children of the same age, calculated in years and months.
  • Mathematics Ages measure the age at which each learner's performance is typical and provide useful reference points when discussing performance with parents.
  • Hodder Scale Scores help to track progress for learners who are working outside of their age range but continue to make small increments of progress.
  • Analyse gaps in learning

    Identify strengths and weaknesses at a strand and question level for individual learners, classes or groups to inform targeted teaching.
  • Summarise attainment

    Identify whether learners are meeting the expected standard with colour-coded reports to highlight those working at greater depth, below or at expected standard.
  • Track learner progress

    Easily track the performance of learners over time with progress reports, comparing overall results and strand performance across multiple termly tests.

Gain actionable assessment data insights

Harness the power of Boost Insights, our test data analysis platform, FREE with your PUMA for Scotland purchase.

Instantly generate reports for individual learners, groups or whole schools and build a comprehensive profile of progress and attainment in your school or MAT.

Find out more

Download the Digital Evaluation Pack

View sample pages, assessment maps and learn more about the data insights provided by PUMA for Scotland in our digital evaluation pack.

puma for scotland brochure cover

Pre-order Interactive Credits for Boost Insights

Register to pre-order your PUMA for Scotland credits for Autumn 2024.

Unlock diagnostically driven maths interventions

Effectively plug knowledge gaps with Shine Interventions, driven by learners' PUMA for Scotland assessment results.

Instantly identify learners with gaps in their knowledge and download targeted interventions in a click!

Find out more

About the Authors

Colin McCarty

Colin McCarty was a teacher for 25 years before taking on the role of Project Director of National Curriculum test development for KS2 and KS3 from their inception. He has written a wide range of standardised assessments covering reading, writing, SPaG, mathematics and science. He is passionate about providing high quality, diagnostic information that assists teachers and supports children’s learning. Colin believes that summative and diagnostic information leads to data richness, which underpins assessment.

Caroline Cooke

Caroline Cooke is a highly experienced teacher who has worked as a Numeracy consultant and Curriculum adviser for mathematics and within a local authority as an advisor. She has also worked with the National Assessment Agency and as a Principal Officer for mathematics for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, which involved working closely with the Maths Test Development Team to create KS1-KS3 National Tests. Caroline works with the STA as a curriculum expert, offering test development advice on both KS1 and KS2. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors.

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